Death Valley National Park

Death Valley National Park is a fascinating, mysterious and enigmatic desert surrounded by grizzled snow-capped mountains, that sprawls the California and Nevada border, east of the Sierra Nevada.

Look up and you will see the mountains wearing snow crowns or have an awesome walk in the lavish purple, gold, white or pink wildflower pastures. Every traveller will enjoy something new like sand singing songs, colourful sandstone canyons, mesmerizing galaxy stars in the clear sky at night,  and the mysterious views of the footprints of the rocks which were imprinted as they wondered the ground.

The Death Valley that is spread over 3,373,063 acres of land became a national Park in February 1994 and is the lowest, hottest and driest place in America consisting of extravagant Scotty’s Castle, colourful serrated spires of Devil’s Golf Course, Zabriskie Point, Mesquite Sand Dunes, Badwater Basin, Lava Tube Trail, Artist’s Drive,  Telescope Peak and Furnace Creek.

If you know the Roadrunner Show of the Looney Tunes and want to see a real Roadrunner, then Death Valley National Park will surely fulfil your wish of seeing it one here.

The second-largest valley of the United States is also home to mountain lions, Bighorn sheep, Square-spotted blue butterflies, western Pygmy blue butterflies, Indra Swallowtail butterflies and the endangered Devils Hole pupfish.

Best Month to visit

February to June and August to November

These are the months where you will have a delightful till very hot temperatures and minimal rainfall.

Things to Carry

Following are the things that you can carry while visiting death valley national park

Food and Water 

Carry one gallon of water per person per day and as much food as possible.

Clothing and shoes

Wear layers of light clothing and sturdy footwear.

Camera and Binoculars

Carry a camera to capture beautiful pictures and binoculars to view the wonderful scenarios.

Besides the above things, you can also carry sun hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, daypack, First aid kit, and a flashlight.

Please maintain the dignity of the park by not littering.

Tips before visiting

  •  Get a map of the park from the visitor centre.
  • The entrance fee per vehicle is 25$ for seven days per week.
  • The visitor centre’s timing is from 8 am to 5 pm every day.
  • There are hotels, lodges, resorts and 9 campsites in the park for your stay.

Number of Visitors

Approximately 1,678,660 tourists visited the Death Valley National Park in 2018.